Publish and connect your content
Now that you've followed the previous steps of creating a page and editing your content structure, you are ready to publish your content for the world to see. Think of your content as data and The Blink X platform essentially carries that data to your desired destination. There's no limit to where you can put it!

In this step, we'll use Javascript and a simple Node.js server to display your content by querying the Blink X API for our example. The API connects your content so you can use it for websites, apps and with frameworks such as, Next.js, Nuxt.js, SvelteKit, Remix, Astro, and more.

To get your page published quickly, you can proceed with the Javascript Node.js sample below. This is a great method to get a working prototype of your project up fast.
👉 Start by opening this Codesandbox. To edit the code, you will create a new 'Fork' which will allow you to connect to your own Blink X project. 

The code below is an example of how to connect your content item to a basic page, myStoreLanding with a simple content layout for our  heroSection
Connect your content
Now, you can set your API key using the blink.init function. See line 4.

👉To retrieve your API key, press your profile avatar at the bottom of your workspace. Go to 'Settings' and you'll be able to access and copy your key for your organization.

👉In the Codesandbox under the Server Control Panel you will paste your key in the blinkapikey 'Value' field and press  the 'Add Secret button'. 

👉Next, you will publish your page by placing the content ID from The Visual Builder 'Page Settings' in the contentid field and press the 'Add Secret button'.

👉Finally,  press  the 'Restart Server' button and refresh the Codesandbox preveiw 'Browser' to see your new page.

For full-screen, live preview of your page, press the 'Open In New Window' button beside your newly generated preview url.

And that's that! You've connected your Blink X project to a basic web server with Node.js and the Blink X SDK. If you refresh or make any edits to the page, those changes will reflect instantly without you  having to press save.

For more content configuration view guides below. 
Updated on May 26th, 2022